$ 40.00


Eric Wilson was a student and instructor in martial arts for almost 25 years. In this time he has learned a great deal about the hidden truth behind these practices. In this first part of the Dragon’s Realm series, he will reveal the dangers of Eastern mysticism including karate, martial arts, tai chi, yoga, acupuncture, and acupressure. Through his journey in martial arts Wilson discovered that satan was trying to control the bodies and the souls of men, as the devil knows he has a short time on earth he wants to manipulate us while he can.

Martial arts is one of the many ways that the devil seeks to trick and trap us. Let us start from the beginning, where did martial arts come from? We will hear the origins of eastern mysticism and see how light and darkness has been blended together for many years. It has seeped into film, music, and books. We may make excuses and claim we know the difference between reality and fantasy, but does it really make a difference if we know it’s pretend? Something inside of us is still affected and we slowly become accustomed to more violence, more sexuality, and more liberalism.

We must guard ourselves against these deceptions with the knowledge of the Word of God. We must acquire real knowledge to defend ourselves and ensure our hearts go along with it. If we tune both our hearts and heads to God, then we will not allow evil to enter in. In this exciting first part of this series Wilson will show us how martial arts is the total counterfeit of God’s way. In martial arts the concept of defence and offence is emphasized, but that is not Christ’s way. Instead of allowing slow and creeping compromise to our beliefs, let us acknowledge truth and error and choose pure truth!

DVD Titles – 294 Mintues

A Step Onto Enchanted Ground – The Seduction of the West

The Path Into Darkness and the Shadow of Doubt

Science or Sorcery – Miracles, Myths and Magic

The Serpent’s First Lie – Pantheism and the Roots of the Tree

Light Shining in Darkness and the Last Great Deception

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