Things to do Without the TV – Plant a Garden

Over the years, we have provided people with resources that show the danger of certain types of media exposure. We have built a case that exposes the Hollywood machine’s true intent. However, we really haven’t published or presented much in the way of alternatives to do as a substitute when people make a decision to turn the TV off. We hope to provide throughout the future ideas for you try with your family, kids, and community.

One of the best things you as a parent, grandparent, or even as a mentor can do is plant a garden with children. There are so many benefits to starting and keeping a garden that it only makes sense to have one. Below I’m listing the few benefits to having a garden and then some of the resources you can access to get hopefully motivate you to do this incredible constructive activity.


1. Getting outdoors. In the 21 century we spend way too much time indoors. We leave our 9 to 5 desk job to go straight home to eat dinner and sit on the couch until bed time. The cycle repeats. By starting a garden, there is a fair amount prep to do outside. Sunshine and fresh air invigorate, boosts the immune system and provide the body with plenty of Vitamin D. We have to train ourselves to take the time to spend outdoors.


2. Exercise. If you want to have a fruitful garden, there is a good amount of soil preparation that has to take place. The garden plot needs to be weeded and tilled. Rocks have to be removed and beds need to be made. It’s a great workout, and needless to say your heart rate will rise and muscles may be sore. Not a bad thing.


3. Family and community time. Creating a garden should not be done alone. The process of tilling, weeding, planting is such a great time for conversation and spending time with people. In our social media saturated world, our conversations and time spent together has been defined by Facebook and Snapchat. One of the best ways to get back to real people time is around the garden.


4. Education. There is so much to learn when it comes to gardening and we should never stop the quest of learning something new or improving on the old. Ask questions and conduct research. When is the best time to plant in your area? What type of vegtables or fruit grows best in your area? What is the best organic, non-synthetic, fertilizer you can add to your crops? How can you support local organic farming? Etc. When we do learn something new we have the opportunity and obligation to pass it along and teach it to our children and/or communities. Show your kids how to care for heirloom seeds. Teach them how to water properly. Educate them on the difference between organic, GMO, and hybrid. There is so much to learn and so much to share.


5. Object Lessons. In the vein of education, we have an opportunity to teach our children object lessons of higher, more Heavenly principles, through gardening. When we tie in the action of planting the seeds, tending the garden, and harvesting the produce, with the parables in the Bible not only are we solidifying the truths in their minds, but there is so much joy in watching the “light bulb” switch on when your child grasp these lessons in a real life application. This process is building a character fit for Heaven.


6. No TV! The more time you spend outside the less time spent in front of the television. By assisting in “re-wiring” your children’s minds to enjoy agriculture not to mention the outdoors, it will be nothing but a boon to their maturity growth. They learn a new skill sets. They learn a certain level of patience and work ethic. They learn how to nurture and care for something. It is a win-win situation. Turn off the TV!


In a world dominated by technology, windows of awe, inspiration, novelty are still opened through gardening. The expressions of joy and amazement on the child’s face when they pull a giant carrot from the ground are priceless. These are all things that entertainment TV or movies can never replace. So what are you waiting for? Plant something!


Here are a few links to garden starter kits and other information that help provide the most nutrient dense produce you could ask for.



The Grow Box: If you have ever wanted to grow food but didn’t know how this is for you. If you have ever wondered what the difference is between high nutrient soil and regular soil, wait until you taste the difference. Not all soils are the same. We have created a unique soil recipe with our research around the world on how to make healthy soil for amazing results.

Garden in a Box: Garden in a Box revitalizes the mineral and microbial life in your soil, so that the produce you grow is as nutrient dense as possible. Trust me you will taste the difference, because your tongue was designed to sense good, nutrient rich food.



 Planting By the Blueprint DVD: Master Gardener Lynn Hoag demonstrates, step-by-step, a tried and true method that has yielded bountiful results. Is this method Lynn’s personal secret? Find out how this invaluable piece of knowledge was given to us over 100 years ago straight from the great Master Gardener Himself, God.


Sun Country Gardens: Have you ever longed for tomatoes that tasted like the ones your grandfather grew?  Or melons that were so fragrant and sweet you couldn’t get enough?  You just can’t buy that taste anymore.  Even organic.  The reason is all our soil is depleted of nutrients and so our food is depleted of nutrients and our bodies are similarly depleted.  We are missing something and it is more than taste!

The Grow Box Website: Have you ever wanted to grow your own food but didn’t know where to start? We had that same desire but realized there was so many factors to grow healthy plants. We decided to take what we had learned and simplify it and put it all in one box. Now growing food can be simple and fun for all ages.




