Follow Your Heart

The way Disney encourages kids to break the rules (thereby emulating the first rule-breaker) is by continually encouraging them to trust themselves and follow their feelings. In fact, the admonition to “follow your heart” has become a de facto Disney tagline.
The genie asks Aladdin, “When did you last let your heart decide?” Cinderella sings, “When you follow your heart there’s no heart you can’t win.” When Mulan gets asked, “How do you decide between duty and heart?” she responds, “Well, it wasn’t easy…but I followed my feelings and I wound up doing the right thing. I guess I learned that my duty is to my heart.”
The messages of “trust yourself” and “follow your heart” are reiterated over and over through Disney content even though they are profoundly unbiblical. Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.” Matthew 15:19 says, “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness and slander.” Proverbs 28:26 says, “Those who trust in themselves are fools.” Proverbs 3:5 tells us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.”
Perhaps the one Disney character who best exemplifies the “follow your heart” credo is Elsa from Frozen. Of course, Frozen, more than any other Disney movie in recent years, is nothing more than a long lecture on the inner workings of the occult.
Elsa’s Occult “Journey”
The word “occult” comes from the Latin word occultus which simply means hidden or secret. It is most often used to reference secret knowledge that’s been traditionally associated with practices involving sorcery (black magic) and witchcraft (white magic). These practices involve turning to spirits in the unseen realm for guidance.
One Wiccan blogger wrote,“Disney has always been into revealing the hidden wisdom of the ancient Egyptian priests, Greek mystics and philosophers.” She then mentions how she recently saw Frozen 2 and comments, “Whoever took over Disney still has the same mission to slowly reawaken humanity through the initiate occult information outside the church.”
In Frozen 2, Elsa has already come to accept her mystical powers (she’s a white witch). Now she must learn to use those powers to communicate with the spirit realm. The elemental nature spirits are the ones she ends up communicating with in Frozen 2. These are spirits most witches know well. They seek them out before determining which ground to hold their rituals on. The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca says that the guidance of nature spirits should be regularly sought out because their “participation and cooperation with humanity is necessary.”
Romans 1:25 says, “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshipped and served created things rather than the creator.” Isaiah 8:19 says, “And when they shall say unto you, ‘seek unto them that have familiar spirits and unto wizards that peep and that mutter,’ should not a people seek their God?”
There are four elemental spirits in the occult: earth, wind, air and fire. Every spirit in all realms then falls under the dominion of one of these four spirits. There are also very specific creatures that are known for representing each individual elemental spirit. For instance, fire spirits are often represented by salamanders (Bruni in Frozen 2, Pascal in Tangled). Water spirits are represented by horses (Nokk in Frozen 2) and mermaids (The Little Mermaid). Air spirits are represented by fairies (Blue Fairy in Pinocchio, Tinkerbell in Peter Pan). (The fairy class of spirits fall under the dominion of the “Deva spirits” which are also known as “The Shining Ones” in eastern occultism.) Earth spirits are represented by gnomes (Onward, Gnomeo and Juliet), trolls and elves. (A group of trolls are of vital importance to the plot of Frozen 1, and other studios apart from Disney have made hundreds of millions off franchises that center around the other two earth spirit representatives—Trolls and Elf.)
The deep spiritual significance of Frozen 2 is perhaps best explained by those who are currently involved in witchcraft themselves. As one Wiccan blogger put it, “[Frozen 2] spoke to my own spiritual practice as a Wiccan and student of goddess lore…Frozen 2 is an amazing film that takes its heroine on a profound journey and, in doing so, it touches on elements of paganism and goddess archetypes in a way that’s rare and astonishing…Elsa’s path ‘into the unknown’ is taking her into the realm of The Goddess.”
That is the entire point of Frozen 2: to lead young girls who have already discovered their inherent power on a journey to becoming a goddess.
The Fifth Element
In Frozen 2, we learn Elsa has been hearing the call of Ahtohallan (Ahti is the name of a Finnish water god). This call leads her to the Enchanted Forest once inhabited by the Northuldra tribe who used to be able to freely commune with nature spirits. That was until the King of Arendelle built a dam that “hurt” the spirits. This caused a war to break out between Arendelle and the Northuldra. The elemental nature spirits were so angered by the violence and blood shed on their land (another key occult teaching) that the spirits decided to turn their magic against humanity.
A girl from the Northuldra tribe named Iduna escaped the Enchanted Forest, married a king and gave birth to a daughter. The nature spirits granted her firstborn daughter the power of ice, appointing her as the “fifth element” who would one day come back to bridge the gap between the four other elemental nature spirits and humanity. Of course, this daughter was Elsa.
Elsa’s mother Iduna is named after a Norse Goddess who’s the “keeper of the magic apples of immortality.” These are the apples that the pagan gods must eat in order to stay young. (There is a tale of how Norse god and trickster Loki—who, incidentally, has the ability to both shape-shift and change his sex—decides to help a group of giants steal Iduna’s apples…but we will leave those details for a discussion on the occult lessons learned in Disney’s Marvel universe.)
Elsa’s “journey” often referenced on little kids’ T-shirts is the is journey to discovering how she will fulfill her mother’s legacy by merging mankind with the spirit realm once again. We see that journey peak in Frozen 2 when Elsa is the only one able to ride and tame the water horse called Nokk (the name for the spirit of the water in Scandanavia). By taming Nokk, Elsa channels the Celtic-Roman goddess Epona who brings fertility and guides souls “into the unknown.”
Do those last three words sound like they’d make a good chorus for a song?
Wiccan practitioners all over the internet can be found lauding Elsa for her representation of the neo-pagan journey to becoming a goddess, with its focus on female independence, balance, rebirth and transformation. As one Wicca devotee explains, “In the beautiful ballad ‘Show Yourself’ [Elsa] pleads to the divine female power that’s been calling her, ‘Are you the one I’ve been waiting for all my life?’ Elsa finds her past, connects with the divine spirit of her mother and discovers the fifth element…the divine thing is her.”
Indeed, Elsa’s journey ends with her becoming divine. This is not silly conjecture. The directors of Frozen 2 have confirmed that Elsa is indeed the “fifth elemental nature spirit.” By listening to the spirits calling out to her from “the unknown” and trusting in herself and her “journey,” she was able to become a god.
This is simply witchcraft repackaged for small children.
The Universal Anthem
Elsa’s trademark song “Let It Go” became an LGBTQ anthem in 2013. The lyrics ignited speculation that Disney would eventually reveal Elsa to be a lesbian. Scenes from the Frozen 2 trailer showing Elsa and a Northuldra tribeswoman staring rather seductively at each other reignited old rumors. When Elsa didn’t officially “come out” in Frozen 2, the voice actor who plays Olaf was asked to comment. He said, “The directors wanted to tell a story that didn’t necessarily feel like it was about Elsa searching for love…it was more about Elsa embracing Elsa.” (Indeed, Elsa embraced her inner goddess.) “But,” the Olaf voice actor added, “It’s not to say that journey [of lesbianism] can’t still happen in the future.”
The LGBTQ lifestyle magazine Out recently had an article on with a headline that read: “Elsa Will Reportedly Get a Girlfriend in Frozen 3.” Though this has not yet been officially confirmed by Disney, it is looking more likely given the company’s promise to make 50% of its characters LGBTQ by the end of the year. It is also looking more likely because in pagan religions like the one on display throughout the Frozen franchise, the idea of “embracing the god within” goes hand-in-hand with embracing sexual perversions for the purpose of furthering one’s newfound esoteric knowledge.
For example, one of the Disney channel’s newer shows The Owl House features a 14-year-old girl who attends the “Hexside School of Magic and Demonic.” While she’s in the process of studying under a witch who lives with demon, the girl realizes she’s bisexual and falls in love with a lesbian. Naturally there’s a trans character too (complete with they/them pronouns). Attempting to gain greater occult powers through perversion is an ancient technique which is why it crops up over and over again in scripture. Deuteronomy 18: 9 says, “When you come into the land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations.”
The Owl House series was nominated for a GLAAD Media Award and a Peabody Award for “giving queer kids a welcome template to explore their own budding creative energies.” Encouraging kids to “explore their budding creative energies” sounds like Grooming 101. With Disney’s push toward sexual perversion, it should come as no surprise that the relatives of Walt Disney were outraged by the recent Florida bill that would prevent teachers from talking about sex to kids in kindergarten through 3rd grade.
When speaking of the parents who support a bill to prohibit talking about sex to kids of this age, Abigail Disney, a grand-niece of Walt, said, “This anti-woke, right-wing nonsense is unsupported by a large majority of Amercians. In fact, most Americans are offended by it and wish it would just go away.” Walt Disney’s great-nephew Roy also released a statement, “Equality matters deeply to us, especially because our child Charlee is transgender and a proud member of the LGBTQ community.”
Currently on Disney’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion report from 2021, they proudly feature following statistics: “50% of our employees worldwide identify as women” and “46% of U.S. employees self-identify as people of color.” How this last statistic made it through their editing desk, we can’t be sure, but “self-identifying” as a person of color has never been a permissible practice in the U.S. or elsewhere.
The Seductress
Before Disney began advocating the LGBTQ lifestyle to young kids, they were busy selling the art of heterosexual seduction. From Jessica Rabbit to Jasmine, Disney has created many overly sensual animated characters throughout the decades.
Dr. Gail Dines, Professor Emerita of Sociology and Women’s Studies at Wheelock College says, “What’s amazing when you look at Disney movies over the years is how little the image of females really change. You still have the same highly sexualized female body with the big breasts, the tiny waist, the fluttering eyelashes, the coy expression…the seductress. These images are very similar over the years and even when they’re in animal form you’ve got this very seductive little female animal. This presents people with a kind of notion of what femininity is really about. This is not a mirror on society. This is not reflecting who women really are or what females really are. It is basically constructing notions of what femininity really is…and these are not notions that necessarily Disney invented, but what they do do with these notions is they caricature them, they wrap them up in this Magic Kingdom wrapper and they sell them to children…”
In Aladdin, Jasmine seduces Jafar in order to distract him. Dr. Elizabeth Hadley, professor of African American Studies at Simmons College says, “This I find very dangerous because it gives young girls the idea that that is the way you get what you want: you use your body.” Scenes like this subconsciously teach young girls that if they want something bad enough, there’s surefire way to get it. As Jasmine slinks around Jafar, batting her lashes, one can’t help but be reminded of Proverbs 6:25, “Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids.”
This highly seductive version of femininity can be confusing for little girls. As we all have all witnessed, children tend to emulate the role models they are shown on screen. (How many girls did you see in Disney princess garb last Halloween?) Dr. Diane Levin, professor of Education at Wheelock College says, “When they [girls] are young, they’re trying to figure out ‘what does it mean to be a woman, what do I look like if I’m a girl, what should I look like?’ And they’ll focus on the most salient, dramatic images they see. They don’t necessarily think ‘that doesn’t look like the women I know in real life.’”
3 John 1:11 says, “Beloved, follow not that which is evil but that which is good.”
The Man, The Myth
Once people begin to see the truth about the dark side of Disney, they tend to assume all the occult teachings are the fault of screenwriters while the questionable business decisions are an unfortunate by-product of woke corporate culture. They often comment how Walt Disney himself would be sad to see what Disney has become today.
Indeed, Walt Disney remain one of the most celebrated and well-known people on the planet. He was nominated for 59 Academy Awards and is responsible for creating “The Happiest Place on Earth.” Yet strange rumors have always persisted about Walt over the past century.
Of course, most people have heard the rumors of Walt’s deep interest in cryonics, (though whether or not his head is currently being kept on ice at Alcor Life Extension is still up for debate—the family insists he was cremated). There has also been incessant speculation over whether or not Walt partnered with the C.I.A. to develop mind control programming techniques. (Some believe early Disney movies were part of the C.I.A.’s project MK Ultra.)
There have also been many conspiracy theories over the years regarding Disney’s incredible underground “utilidor” tunnel system. There are 390,000 square feet of tunnels under Disney’s theme parks. It’s been suggested that they may have had a role to play in nefarious activities that include human trafficking. These theories flared up significantly in 2014 after CNN reported that 35 Disney employees in Orlando had been arrested for child sex crimes.
There are additional rumor of sexual deviancy which may or may not be true regarding Walt himself (including a penchant for cross-dressing and an unusually close relationship with the young male actor who voiced Peter Pan). And we are all well aware of the mental health struggles plaguing nearly every celebrity who got their start as a child actor with Disney (Britney Spears, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, etc.).
One rumor that has actually been validated about Walt’s own life is that he was a member of the “Order of the DeMolay”—a Freemason-affiliated youth organization for boys ages 12-21. Many believe Walt went on to become a 33rd degree Freemason, pointing to the aptly named Club 33 at Disney’s theme parks as evidence of this. (Club 33 is said to have a 14-year, invite-only waitlist and a $100,000 initiation fee.)
Some believe Walt Disney later became a member of the “Ancient Mystical Order of Rosa Crucis”—an occult school dedicated studying the ancient Egyptian mystery teachings through the lens of Western symbolism. This school teaches that only by “developing one’s faculties of will, intuition and reason can one gain access to the hidden forces in the universe,” and after an initiate has “conquered fate and acquired divine freedom,” he can then become “a seer, a magician.”
Is it possible that Walt Disney himself was an occult magician of the highest order who then dedicated his life to teaching children the lessons he already knew? (It might explain the “Magic Kingdom” moniker.)
Deuteronomy 8:19 says, “Then it shall be, if you by any means forget the Lord your God and follow other gods and serve them and worship them, I testify against you this day that you shall surely perish.” 2 Kings 21:6 says, “He made his son pass through the fire and observed times and used enchantments and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards; he wrought much wickedness in the sight of the lord to provoke him to anger.”
Walt modeled the Magic Kingdom castle after Neuschwanstein in Germany. Neuschwanstein castle was built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria. Ludwig was declared insane by government officials and died at the age of 40 from an apparent suicide. He was known as “The Mad King.”
During World War II, The Nazis used Neuschwanstein as a hiding place to store more than 6000 pieces of artwork they had stolen. Given the bizarre and not exactly kid-friendly history of Neuschwanstein castle, it seems an odd choice to model the Disney brand centerpiece after. Of course, one might argue that the “fairy tale” nature of the castle made it a logical choice. But if so, it is also important to know exactly what is meant by the term “fairy tale.”
The sort of fairies that inspired tales in the past were not the sweet and friendly kind. The original fairies from fairy tales were evil, demonic creatures. The tales told about them generally involved them stealing children from their beds at night (this is what Peter Pan is based on).
The fairy godmother is another fairy. Her harmless-looking appearance on Cinderella makes us forget that everything she accomplishes is done through mystical power (witchcraft). Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo (also called “The Magic Song”) is an actual spell she casts when working her magic. (Even Mary Poppins’ “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” is said to be the spell of a “good witch.”) In Cinderella, Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo makes its first appearance, but this isn’t the last time it’s used in Disney movies. It is also used in The Return of Jafar, Hercules, and Shrek 2 when a spell is needed for the magic someone’s performing.
Perhaps a closer look at Cinderella gives us the complete picture of what’s been in front of our eyes all along. On one Disney character fan site, there is a description of the villainous catfrom Cinderella. It says: “The only reason [the cat] is loyal to [the stepmother] is because she puts a roof over his head. Otherwise, he is nothing more than a gluttonous, cruel, sour, baleful, sadistic, sneaky, sly, cunning, mischievous, rotten pet.”
Could it be that the only reason Disney has been loyal to its fans for so long is because we’ve continued to line their pockets to the tune of $67.4 billion last year alone? Could it be that behind the soft and innocent looking exterior of Disney is a “sneaky, sly, cunning, mischievous, rotten company” that we should stop giving our time and money to at once?
In the end, the name of this cat in Cinderella might prove to be the cornerstone of the Disney empire—making it clear who exactly has been ruling the Magic Kingdom from day one.
The cat’s name is Lucifer.