A few weekends ago, my wife and I took our kids camping. We picked a destination that we have been to a few times to hike around but never to camp. It was going to be a new adventure.
You would think that we had gone to some grand amusement park. The tent was our 5 star hotel and the landscape of the wilderness was our theme rides. The children’s faces and imagination sparked with wonder and excitement. It was an adventure.
Here are a couple reasons to go camping.
1. Sabbatical from Media. Usually when out in the wilderness there is no reception, which translates to no Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, TV etc. I’m pretty sure these forms of communication and time absorbers will still be around when you get back. There is something to logical and scientific about letting the mind take a breather from social media.
2. Education. While children can learn biology and science from textbooks, it is through camping that they gain an opportunity to gain an education in outdoor culture. They gain an hands on learning experience on the structure of a tree or by observing the habitat of a chipmunk. In this form of education, they gain an appreciation and respect for nature, learning to watch and care for it.
3. Imagination. When we went camping, as soon as our kids were able to run off and play, they did. I was able to follow them but, they completely forgot that I was there. They were in their own little world. When children are left to watch TV or play video games as their form of entertainment, their imagination becomes stunted. Placing them in a wilderness environment, their immediate world comes to life. Squeals of delight fill the forrest as little feet run to and fro.
4. Family. Spending quality family time is quickly becoming lost. As life gets busier, parents are making less of concerted effort to stop and spend whole centered family time together. Family time now consists of a movie at the theater where there is zero conversation or interaction. Camping as a family not only allows for fun interaction but it gives a growing and unifying experience to the family.
5. Connecting with the Creator. Nine times out of ten, the landscape you choose to camp is surrounded by trees, a lake, river, or big open meadow. In this environment, when all outside buzz is hushed, there is an incredible opportunity to connect with our Creator, Jesus Christ. By observing birds flit from tree to tree, flowers twirl with the sun, or deer move through the forrest; our sense of gratitude towards the Creator and his handiwork grows.
As we are on the cusp of summer, sit down with your family and plan a camping trip. You will be fine for one or two nights without your beloved shower and bed. Put a date on the calendar and go and explore!
Questions to ask:
Check the weather.
How far away from where you live
Do you have the proper sleeping bag for night time temperature
Is there a bathroom (plan accordingly)
Is there a drinkable water source (may need to pack water in or bring a water filter)
Are there any fees to camp where you want to go
If you are new to camping, below is a list of things to think about packing for your trip.
- Tarp
- Tent & stakes & small hammer
- Sleeping pads
- Sleeping bags
- Pillows
- Air mattress & pump
- Camp stove & propane
- Lighter/matches
- Hatchet/ wood
- Pot for boiling water/ skillet/ spatula
- Hot pad/dish towels/ sponge for cleaning dishes
- Basins for washing dishes & biodegradable dish soap
- hand sanitizer
- water
- duct tape
- Cooler full of Food! – Think pancakes, potatoes, oatmeal, cornbread, tacos, etc.
- S’mores ingredients/salt (try vegan!)
- Hot dogs/ buns/ hot dog fixings
- Eating utensils/ paper towels/ cutting knives/cutting board/ garbage bags
- Toilet Paper
- Hats/gloves/jackets
- Warm clothes/Swim wear/rain gear (you never know)
- Water sandals/ hiking shoes/ regular sandals
- Headlamps/ flashlights (kids like glowsticks)
- Camp chairs/ table
- First aid kit
- Basic toiletries
- Buck knives/
- Camelbaks/waterbottles
- Life jackets (if by lake)
Here are a few places to buy camping gear. Purchasing used gear is always a great option Don’t be too deterred from buying a little more expensive equipment, as it is typically superior in quality and durability.
$ Wal-Mart
$ Craigslist – craigslist.org
$$ Campmor – campmor.com
$$ Sierra Trading Post – http://www.sierratradingpost.com/
$$ GearTrade – geartrade.com
$$$ REI – rei.com