Book a seminar with us
How much does a seminar cost?
There are a couple of factors when considering cost to book a seminar.
- Honorarium – $750 for a weekend per speaker. Longer speaking appointments will incur greater fees. We love to come and minister. However we prefer shorter appointments which will not keep us from our families for very long.
- Travel – Travel is typically only airfare. In the US you should plan on about $750-$1000 depending on the location. Other travel expenses may include:
- Mileage – Only necessary when not flying.
- Rental car – Only needed if someone is not available to transport us.
- Hotel – We generally stay with a host. However some circumstances don’t allow for that. We are agreeable either way.
How many people will come?
Generally only one speaker will be sent.
Which seminars will you do and how many?
When we come and present, we typically stay within the media topic. We do not cover every topic you may have seen on our youtube channel.
Topics may include: How your brain works, social media, technology and spiritualism, super heroes, cartoons, video games. Other topics may be woven in all through a Biblical lens.
The amount of seminars we do has varied based on the needs of the inviting party. We have done as few as 1 and as many as 6 in a day. The latter is pretty taxing! The details are to be worked out between you and the speaker according to your preferences.