American Holocaust?
Can you mind and way of thinking be changed in 33 minutes? Find out in the award winning documentary short.
Strangers in Our Home: TV and Our Children’s Minds by Susan R. Johnson
As a mother and a pediatrician who completed both a three-year residency in Pediatrics and a three-year subspecialty fellowship in Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics, I started to wonder: “What are we doing to our children’s growth and learning potential by allowing them to watch television and videos as well as spend endless hours playing computer […]
Fill Me: Our Earnest Plea
SpongeBob and Preschool Brains
Parents may dote on the tragicomic adventures of SpongeBob SquarePants, but researchers say that that the cartoon’s fast-based scenes may make it harder for young children to pay attention and think. “I would not encourage parents of a 4-year-old boy to have him watch SpongeBob right before he goes in for his kindergarten readiness assessment,” […]