Disclosed: Deceiving the World | Aliens & UFOs in Bible Prophecy
4 Reasons to Leave “Left Behind” Behind…Again

Left Behind, The End Begins, is out in theaters October 3 in which it stars Nicholas Cage. This is a remake of the Kirk Cameron 2000 version in which both films are based on worldwide bestselling books, The Left Behind series. These books, under Christian Fiction, were published in the mid 90’s. The authors, Tim […]
Things To Do Without The TV: Read a book

There was a time before the mass induction of media into our lives where people obtained their information from reading. Whether it be the newspaper, a historical novel, biography or religious book, people filled their minds in a constructive way. What do I mean by constructive? Studies over the last number of years have shown […]
Things To Do Without the TV – Go Camping!

A few weekends ago, my wife and I took our kids camping. We picked a destination that we have been to a few times to hike around but never to camp. It was going to be a new adventure. You would think that we had gone to some grand amusement park. The tent was our […]
Will The Real Donald Sterling Please Stand Up

As racism unfolded in front of the public eye over the past week, many of us were outraged at Donald Sterling’s* verbal sentiments. In the progressive society and culture we live in, you would think that we have moved past these barriers. You would believe that there would be more solidarity. Reality Check! Has racism […]
Things to do Without the TV – Plant a Garden

Over the years, we have provided people with resources that show the danger of certain types of media exposure. We have built a case that exposes the Hollywood machine’s true intent. However, we really haven’t published or presented much in the way of alternatives to do as a substitute when people make a decision to […]
Pop Star’s Pursuit of Baptism

Over the years, breaking news has moved from an actual world crisis to breaking news of a celebrity crisis. In this celerity-obsessed culture, we are in the know of every move these pedestal placed people make. It is difficult to navigate through life recently and not be inundated with the troubles pop music celebrity Justin […]
Dark Horse: A Witch’s Brew

Dark Horse: Someone or something whose abilities, plans, or feelings are little known to others. Recently, music’s most popular award ceremony, the 56th annual Grammys, took place in Los Angeles, CA. With a staggering 28 million tuning in last Sunday, the Grammys not only distribute the music industry’s “most coveted” award, a gramophone statue, but are […]
Death of a Salesman

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As it has been revealed through the social media tsunami, Hollywood and Broadway actor Philip Seymour Hoffman was pronounced dead yesterday. The death was ruled by police to be caused by a heroin overdose. By Hollywood standards, Hoffman was a brilliant and prolific actor, he died while filming the last installment of the Hunger Games […]
A Little Scandal Never Hurt Anyone

“Everyone has a secret…” states ABC’s webpage of it’s hit TV show Scandal. The quick witted protagonist Olivia Pope commands a firm of “fixers” who take in Washington D.C.’s elite of the elite. Politicians, Socialites, Businessmen alike hire the services of Pope and Associates to either hide their dirty laundry or clear their name of […]

As I was driving home last Friday from Chico, the northbound lane coming into the town of Paradise had slowed down and was backup a half mile. I had figured that there was an accident up the road so I made my detour on some back roads to my destination. It wasn’t until a few […]
A Boat with No People

Christmas day has come and gone, we are on the verge of another year and yet some of the “warmth” of the season hangs on. What is special about this time of year? To some it’s known as the Christmas season. Others it’s Hanukkah. Still others it means nothing. None the less, this time […]
Educated Weaklings or Masters of Circumstance

In Seth Godin’s best selling book Linchpin: Are you Indispensable?, he writes that “Classrooms have become fear based and test-based battlefields.”[1] Godin goes on to list of what I’m going to call predictable education. Here are just a few: Fit in Use #2 Pencils Show up everyday Buy the things the other kids are buying […]
Kickstarter – Leaving Independence

We are so excited to launch our very first Kickstarter project. What is Kickstarter? In short it is a funding platform for creative projects. We are so pumped up about this project Leaving Independence, and we can not wait to put it out there, however this is project that needs funding in order for it […]
Your Child’s Brain on Television

Infographic: Your Child’s Brain on Television Click the link below to see the full picture. http://naturalpapa.com/media/this-is-your-childs-brain-on-television-infographic/
Do Something Creative TODAY!

Challenge: Do something that engages the right brain and create something! Build, draw, paint, sew, write, it doesn’t matter, do something and have fun! Then post it for the world to see.
Church Planter

Much of what is written about church planting aims at methodology and strategy for facing such challenges, but specific strategies do not apply to every context. What lies deeper, at the heart of every church plant? The most critical human component of every church plant is the planter. Darrin Patrick, vice president of the Acts […]
Subtle Suggestions

Subtlety is not our best asset. Watch this 30 second spot on Vimeo.